Lindbergh families, Please see attached flyer and link for information regarding this year's yearbook orders. Yearbooks will not be available until after school lets out for the summer. We will contact you when yearbooks are available for pick-up Thank you! 20/21...
Class News
Lindbergh Community, Your hard work and commitment to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society this year is truly appreciated. Please take some time to enjoy this video. Lindbergh Elementary Hero Squad Video
Lindbergh Summer School Registration is closed as of 6-3-21
Summer School for 2021 is closed at Lindbergh as of June 3rd, 2021. If you would like to be put on a waiting list, please call the office at (313) 827-6300.
Covid Vaccination Clinic at Bryant click link for more info
June 8 is deadline to transfer into online learning for next year
June 8 is deadline to transfer into online learning for next year Are you ready (maybe more than ready) for your child to start the new school year in full-time face-to-face classes? Us too! If you think online only-learning is the better fit for your child and...
Picture Retake day May 26th, 2021
A Picture retake day for anyone who missed picture day. The photographers will be here from 3pm to 4pm. All students needing photos should be dropped off at the front door and parents wait outside. The information and code will stay the same as the previous picture...

1st Day School Supplies Kits
Lindbergh families, Please click on the link below for Lindbergh's 2021/2022 school year supplies list from 1st Day School Supplies. Each kit is posted by grade 1st Day School Supplies Kit Thank you!
New Virtual K-12 School Fall enrollment
Fall enrollment open for new Virtual K-12 SchoolDearborn Schools plans to reopen for the new school year with face-to-face learning all day every day for our students.For parents and students who want to continue learning online only, the district is launching the new...
Happy Eid!
Eid Mubarak to those who are celebrating! The PTA is sending students home with a small treat bag today and tomorrow.
Healthy Heart Challenge Update
Flyers Families, Congratulations on reaching our school goal of 100 students taking a healthy heart challenge! Because we met our goal, EVERYONE can wear their CRAZY HAIR to school on Monday, May 10th (A-Day) and Tuesday, May 11th (B-Day)! Woohoo! Our last...