Charles A. Lindbergh

Common Questions and Answers

Lindbergh School “Q and A”

**Below are some important items that help our school continue to run efficiently. Thank you for your understanding and support with the items listed below. 

If my student is absent, what steps do I need to complete?Please call the attendance line: 313-827-6301. If your student is out for an illness, please bring in documentation from your doctor’s office. 
If your child will be absent for an extended amount of time, for example, a planned vacation during the school year, please communicate with the office and the classroom teacher.
Please remember that excused absences do accumulate and can become a truancy issue.  
Homework:  our teachers need 24 hours notice to prepare homework for a student that is absent. If a student is absent more than 1 day, please allow our staff 2-3 days to prepare or consider a weekly pick up.  
How do I drop off an item for my student? (shoes, lunch, snack)Please drop your labeled items off to the office.
Please bring snacks for students in a sealed container (this helps keep our students safe from a food allergy or spills that may occur).
What does morning arrival look like? (student drop off)Students are permitted in the building at 8:35 am for breakfast.
First bell is at 8:55am and the tardy bell is at 9:00am.
When indoor line-up is called, students are permitted in the building after 8:35am. Students line up in the cafeteria. Student independence is a key goal for our students. This begins with taking off their coats, unpacking their backpack, charting their lunch choice and starting their morning bellwork.  
Teachers are responsible for charting lunches, taking attendance, checking in homework, and getting all students started on bellwork within the first 10-15 minutes of the school day. Please set up a time for a meeting or a phone call. Or, send an email with any questions on student performance or behavior. We strongly value our relationships with our community, but also need to make sure we are monitoring our students for safety as we get them started on their school day. 
How will my student(s) be dismissed? (student pick up)K-5 students will be released from their grade level door by their classroom teacher. Kinder and 1st grade teachers look for a family member before dismissing our young students.
If an adult is not present at pick up, students are brought to the front office after 4:05 pm to be picked up or to call home for a ride. 
Teachers have after school meetings or professional development to attend. Please set up a time for a meeting, a phone call, or send an email with any questions on student performance or behavior. 
What are the steps to pick up a student early?Please send a note, leave a message with the front office or send your student’s teacher an email with the time that your student will be leaving. Students are not sent down until their parents or guardian arrives.  This prevents loss of instructional time. 
We ask that students are picked up before 3:30pm. The end of the day is very busy. Students are filling out their planners, packing up for the day, and meeting with their teacher to go over  goals for the next day or week.