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Special enrollment day for free GSRP preschool program set for June 3
Dearborn Public Schools still has spots available for this fall for the free Great Start Readiness Program preschool. The district will hold a special enrollment day on Friday, June 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help families register. GSRP is a state-funded...
Reminder: No school Tomorrow Friday, May 27th and Monday May, 30th
Just a friendly reminder that schools will be closed tomorrow and Monday in observance of Memorial Day Have a great weekend!
Nurse letter – COVID cases rising. Masks, vaccinations and testing recommended
May 19, 2022 Greetings Dearborn families, The district nursing team wanted to provide a brief update on Covid-19 in the community. Covid-19 transmission levels have increased in Wayne County. Our county went from a low-level rating to a high-level...
Menu change for today Thursday, May 19th
Good Morning 1st Choice : Delicious Cheese Pizza 2nd Choice: Sunbutter and Jelly Sandwich w/String Cheese Thank you.
Menu Change for today Monday, May 16th
Good Morning 1st Choice: Classic Mac & Cheese 2nd Choice: Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich w/ String Cheese Thank you.
STEM Middle School Admissions
For the incoming 6th grade class for the 22-23 school year, STEM will keep the traditional entry criteria for 45 out of 60 available seats thru a lottery based on meeting the below criteria: NWEA READING - 8OTH Percentile = 223NWEA MATH - 80TH Percentile = 232 For the...
Reminder: Late Start Tomorrow, Wednesday May11th
Breakfast begins at 9:35am and first bell is at 9:55am. Please do not drop your child off earlier than 9:35am as adult supervision will not be available Thank you!
Summer Enrichment Sign-Up Deadline and More!
Lindbergh flyers, Please see reminders below for upcoming events/deadlines: 5/9-5/13: Teacher Appreciation Week! Please click here for the sign-up genius from the PTA 5/11: Late Start! Breakfast begins at 9:35am and first bell rings at 9:55am 5/13: STEAM Night! Please...