Charles A. Lindbergh

Class News

Heart Challenge Update!

Hello Lindbergh Community! WOW! Thank you to everyone who is participating in this year’s Kids Heart Challenge. We had a great first week! Our goal is to have 100 students registered by MONDAY 4/26!! If we can get 100 students registered the student’s will earn a...

Fundraiser Wrap-up

Lindbergh families, Attached is the final amount raised for our Hero Squad fundraiser as well as information regarding any earned Hero Gear. Way to go Lindbergh Flyers!

Hello Lindbergh Families! We are kicking off Kids Heart Challenge today and are super excited for you to meet this year’s Heart Heroes! Your child is learning how nutrition and being active can help us live longer, healthier lives.  If you missed the kick off...

Updated Quarantine Guidance

Lindbergh families, The quarantine rules from the Wayne County Health Department have changed. We have updated our back to school flyer to reflect these changes. Please see updated flyer below. If you have any question, please feel free to contact the front office....

Summer Learning Program Parent Survey

Lindbergh families, Dearborn Public Schools will be providing school-based, in person summer learning programs for K-8 students. Please take a moment to share your information and ideas.  Your input will be used to assist in planning and programming . English Version...

Virtual Learning Update

Dear Lindbergh Families, I hope you are all taking this time to sharpen the saw; relaxing, enjoying the warmer weather and staying safe. Please find below some updated information regarding instruction next week. Virtual Learning Following Spring Break Enjoy this...

3rd Quarter Marking Period Report Cards Have Been Mailed!

Third quarter marking period report cards for our virtual students were mailed yesterday (3/25) and today (3/26). If your child was absent for in person learning on either of those days then their report card will be available to pick up in the front office today...