Lindbergh Community, Please click here to view results from PTA election.
Class News
Reminder: No School Tomorrow, Friday April 15th
Just a friendly reminder that schools will be closed tomorrow Friday, April 15th. School resumes Monday, April 18th at 8:55am.
Reminder: Late Start Tomorrow Wednesday, April 13th
Friendly reminder that tomorrow Wednesday, April 13th is a late start. Breakfast will be served at 9:30 a.m. and the first bell will ring at 9:55 a.m.
Guidelines for “Stomach Flu” cleaning Link
Dear Families Please see the linked guidelines for "Stomach Flu" cleaning.ThanksMs. Tiba
Summer Enrichment Program Information
Lindbergh families, Please see links below for more information regarding our upcoming Summer Enrichment Program Summer Enrichment Presentation Summer Enrichment Flyer Thank you!
Kids Club and preschool open houses set for April 14
Dearborn Public Schools Early Childhood Programs department is reorganizing the district’s paid preschool and childcare programs for next year and is now taking applications for the 2022-23 program. Open houses for the childcare programs are scheduled for Thursday,...
Summer Enrichment Program Meeting
Tomorrow April 6th, we will be having a brief 15-minute information parent meeting about our upcoming Summer enrichment program. We will again be running a summer camp-style program with academic review and enrichment activities. The meeting will be held in...
Free GSRP preschool starting application distribution on April 8
Dearborn Public Schools Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) will start distributing applications on Friday, April 8 for the 2022-23 school year. GSRP is a state-funded preschool program students can participate in at no cost to eligible families. To be...
REMINDER: Spring Break Begins Next Week!
Lindbergh families, Just a reminder that Spring Break begins next week, March 28th and students return April 4th. Enjoy your break!
Covid Notification Letter
DATE: 3/24/2022 TO: Lindbergh School Community FROM: Ms. Tiba, Principal RE: COVID-19 Case Identification 1 positive case of coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified at Lindbergh Elementary. Exposure took place on school grounds on 3/21. This letter is...