1st Choice: Nachos & Cheese 2nd Choice : Cat in the hat Strawberry Yogurt ParfaitÂ
Class News
Upcoming STEAM Night Details!
What? STEAM Night was designed in collaboration with Susan Hammoud, one of two Inspirators for STEM Club presidents with the Barger Leadership Institute at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Students and families will be able to select 3 of the 5 activity...
Reminder: No School Monday, May 2nd and Tuesday, May 3rd!
Just a friendly reminder that schools will be closed Monday, May 2nd and Tuesday, May 3rd. School will resume on Wednesday, May 4th at 8:55am. Eid Mubarak to those celebrating! Enjoy your 4 day weekend!
Menu Change for Today, April 27th
1st Choice : Mac & Cheese2nd Choice: Cat in the Hat Strawberry Yogurt Parfait Teacher's Special: Greek Salad
Exotic Zoo Assembly
Dear Families Tuesday, April 26 we have the Exotic Zoo coming to Lindbergh. The assembly will take place outside so please make sure your children are dressed appropriately for the weather. We want to take advantage of this exciting experience and allow all students...
Bingo For Books Tomorrow 4-22-22
REMINDER: Bingo for Books is tomorrow, 4/22 from 6:00-7:30PM. The theme is to wear your Detroit Tigers gear (or blue and orange). We have plenty of wristbands left and will be selling them today during pickup on the blacktops. Wristbands are $2 each and everyone over...
Lunch Menu Change for Friday, April 22nd
1st choice bosco sticks (same) 2nd choice turkey and cheese sandwich(change)
Community Town Hall Events
Hello everyone, We just wanted to let you know that Dearborn Public Schools is launching a survey and planning public meetings to gather public feedback on infrastructure needs in the district and whether residents would support a vote for a bond or other tax...
Free Parent University for young children and parents on April 22 and 29
Dearborn Public Schools Parent University is returning with two sessions on April 22 and 29. This program is FREE to children ages six months to preschool and a parent or caregiver. The program will be held at five locations throughout the district. Sessions will...

Free Parent University for young children and parents on April 22 and 29
Dearborn Public Schools Parent University is returning with two sessions on April 22 and 29. This program is FREE to children ages six months to preschool and a parent or caregiver. The program will be held at five locations throughout the district. Sessions will...