Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is the last day of school! Students will be dismissed at 12:05.
Yasmine Hicks
Dearborn High School Hosting Youth Football Camp!
Summer School Informational Letter Coming Home Today!
Lindbergh families, If you registered your student for our upcoming Summer School program, your student will come home with an informational letter today Tuesday, June 14th. If you signed up for Summer School and your child DOES NOT bring a letter home today, please...
Lunch Menu Change For Friday, June 10th
1st Choice - Cheesy Breadsticks 2nd Choice - Halal Chicken Patty
Lost and Found
Lindbergh families, As the end of the 21/22 school year nears, please be sure to stop by the lost and found after school to see if there may be anything in there that belongs to your child. Anything left after the last day of school, June 17th, will be donated Than...
Reminder: No school Tomorrow Friday, May 27th and Monday May, 30th
Just a friendly reminder that schools will be closed tomorrow and Monday in observance of Memorial Day Have a great weekend!
Menu change for today Thursday, May 19th
Good Morning 1st Choice : Delicious Cheese Pizza 2nd Choice: Sunbutter and Jelly Sandwich w/String Cheese Thank you.
Menu Change for today Monday, May 16th
Good Morning 1st Choice: Classic Mac & Cheese 2nd Choice: Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich w/ String Cheese Thank you.
Reminder: Late Start Tomorrow, Wednesday May11th
Breakfast begins at 9:35am and first bell is at 9:55am. Please do not drop your child off earlier than 9:35am as adult supervision will not be available Thank you!
Summer Enrichment Sign-Up Deadline and More!
Lindbergh flyers, Please see reminders below for upcoming events/deadlines: 5/9-5/13: Teacher Appreciation Week! Please click here for the sign-up genius from the PTA 5/11: Late Start! Breakfast begins at 9:35am and first bell rings at 9:55am 5/13: STEAM Night! Please...