Come to our PTA Fundraiser November 13th & 14th from 5pm -10pm Click Here
Class News
Happy Halloween!
Lindbergh Community Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Halloween. Hope you all continue to stay safe and remember safety procedures tomorrow. Please remember to post a picture of your child in their Halloween costume on the Lindbergh PTA Facebook page (like us...
Thank You!
Thank you to our fabulous PTA for feeding our staff yesterday and providing treats for our students! Kindergarten-3rd grade will receive their treats next week during their material pick-up. Your generosity is much appreciated:-)
Material Pickup location CHANGE
Dear 4th and 5th grade parents, We have moved the pickup location today to the main door because of the rain. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Happy Halloween!
Lindbergh Flyers, your PTA misses you!!!!!!! Since we aren’t able to celebrate our Flyers in person this Halloween, we are hoping you will send us your costume pics safely….and by safely we mean virtually of course. Each student who sends a pic to our Facebook...
Leader in Me Parent Newsletter-October 2020
Lindbergh Families Please find below our monthly Leader in Me parent newsletter. This month we focused on Habit 1. There are some exciting activities to try at home. A huge thank you to Ms. Barr, our social worker and Ms. Neubauer, our parent liaison for putting this...
Material Pick-Up #3
Lindbergh Parents Please find below a link for information on our next material pick-up. Please pay extra attention to the date as we have two different days scheduled for pick-up depending on your child's grade. Material Pick-up #3 Have a wonderful week, stay...
Book Checkout, coming soon!!!
Starting next week, students will be able to check out library books from our media center. Students will log into their Dearborn account, go to the School Library Catalog tab on the Dearborn District Home Page and place a hold on their book selection. Book requests...
Half Day of Nov. 6 moved to Oct. 30th, 2020
A notice for our elementary parents - Dearborn Public Schools has moved the half day for elementary students originally scheduled for Nov. 6 up to Oct. 30. Teachers will use the afternoon that day to get grades ready for report cards. The first marking period...
Face-to-Face Learning Labs
Morning Lindbergh Community, It was recently decided that Face-to-Face learning labs would be canceled given the current upward trend in cased both in Michigan as well as Dearborn. Our number one priority is the safety of our community of students, staff and parents....