Charles A. Lindbergh

Class News

MLK Day activities in our community

MLK Day activities in our community

Hello All, Our friends at Henry Ford College have put together a program as part of the many MLK Day activities taking place in our community. They are seeking volunteers to do live children’s book readings on MLK Day. The flyer is attached, and the sign up link...

NWEA Testing for January (Winter)

Dear Families After some more direction and clarification from the state and testing requirements, the district has decided to cancel NWEA testing for January (winter) as identified below: NWEA in 4th and 5th grade for Reading and Math have been canceled for winter...

Enjoy the Break

Enjoy the Break

Lindbergh Community The Lindbergh staff and myself wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year. Hope this break brings more joy and happiness to each and everyone out there. See you all January 4th. Stay safe! A special thank you to Santa for...

Pop Tabs

Pop Tabs

Lindbergh Families Last year, our Student Lighthouse team decided as part of their service learning project to implement a schoolwide initiative to collect pop-tabs and donate them to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Ann Arbor. Students across the year we...

Leader In Me Newsletter-December 2020

Lindbergh Families, Please enjoy our Leader in Me newsletter for December. Hope you all are doing well and staying safe. December 2020-Leader in Me Newsletter A huge thanks to Ms. Barr (Social Worker) and Mrs. Neubauer(Parent Liaison) for their tireless work on these...

Book Fair and E-Wallets to help out our wonderful teachers

Dear Lindbergh Parents, Are you looking for creative ways to thank your teachers? How about some new books for their classroom? You can send them a donation through their personalized Scholastic e-wallet link, and then they can pick out some great books that the kids...

Kindergarten Only-No School This Friday

Happy Wednesday Lindbergh Families! Just a friendly reminder that this Friday, November 20th there will be no school for KINDERGARTNERS ONLY! All other grades will report as usual. Thank you and stay safe!