Lindbergh will be hosting A Chatting event on Thursday January 26th from 5:00-6:00 pm in the cafeteria hosted by executive director Mike Esseily. Mr. Esseily the director of special populations will be joined by Elaine Starett Director of...
Class News
Reminder: Monday January 23rd is a Half Day. Dismissal at 12:05.
Lindbergh Flyers Monday January 23rd is a Half Day. Dismissal at 12:05. Thank You

Reminder: Half Day Tomorrow Friday, Jan 20th!
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is a half day! Dismissal is at 12:05pm

Free Health Clinic Tomorrow Friday, Jan 20th at Salina Elementary from 4PM-7PM

Four town halls planned to discuss long-range building planning
Four town halls are being hosted by Dearborn Public Schools for Fielding International to discuss its work to create a long-range plan for the district’s buildings. Visioning the Future Town Halls will be held on Feb. 6 and 7, 2023. Parents, students, staff,...
Waste Free Lunch is Thursday, Jan 26th!
Lindbergh Flyers~ Our 1st Waste Free Lunch Day for this year, is Thursday, January 26th!!!! Check out our posters in the hallways! REMEMBER THE 3 Rś: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE **Tips on Packing a Waste Free Lunch** * Opt for Reusable Snack...
SchoolStore Fundraiser
Hello Parents, Today, your child is bringing home a Parent Information Envelope letting you know about a safe and easy way for our school to raise funds for essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed. The SchoolStore fundraiser is 100% online so there...
CORRECTION: Count Day is Wednesday Feb. 8th 2023!
Thank you!
Lunch Menu Change for Thursday 1/12/23
1st Choice: Halal Hot Dog 2nd Choice: Chicken Wrap
Lunch Menu Change for Wednesday Jan. 11th
1st Choice: Cheese Pizza 2nd Choice: Sun Butter and Jelly