Lindbergh families, Please click on the link below to read a wonderful article regarding our blacktop painting project that took place over the weekend! Press and Guide Lindbergh Article
Class News
Lindbergh STEAM Night Family Interest Survey and volunteer SignUp Genius
Lindbergh famelies, With STEAM Night just around the corner (Friday, May 12th), we are trying to get an estimated number of attendees. Please fill out the STEAM Night Survey if you plan on attending. We only need 1 survey per family. We're also including a link to our...
Reminder: Tomorrow is our Playground Makeover Event!
Lindbergh families, We are still looking for adult volunteers for our playground makeover event taking place tomorrow Saturday, May 6th! Please click on the signup genius link below if you're interested in volunteering. Thank you! Signup Genius Playground Makeover...

Presentation from today’s Parent Literacy Workshop
Lindbergh Parents/Guardians Please click on the link below for the presentation from the Parents Literacy Workshop that took place this morning. Thank you to all who were able to attend! Parent Literacy Workshop
2nd Choice: Lunch Menu Change
1st Choice: Halal Chicken Patty Sandwich 2nd Choice: Sun Butter & Jelly
Plastic Bag Drive Coming Soon!
Lindbergh families, Let's reduce plastic waste by recycling any used plastic bags! During the week of May 8th, Lindbergh's Green Team and National Elementary Honor Society will host a plastic bag drive to help our community recycle. These recycling containers will be...
Cipriano Run Results!
Lindbergh families, We are beaming with Lindbergh pride! We had a great turnout yesterday for our first Cipriano Run event since 2020! There were 365 runners and 445 registrations with our 4th and 5th-grade participants. We are so very proud of all our runners!!...

Parent Informational Interactive Literacy Session
Lindbergh Parents/Guardians, Please see the flyer attached for more information regarding our upcoming parent meeting. This will be an informational interactive literacy session. We will have refreshments and raffle off some prizes as well. We hope to see you there!
Playground Painting Day has been Postponed!
Greetings, Due to inclement weather, we will need to postpone our playground painting day and move it to Saturday, May 6th. We appreciate your understanding as the project requires ideal conditions to allow the paint time to dry and cure properly. If you are unable to...
The World According to Humphrey: Chapter 15!
Lindbergh flyers, This is it! This is the final Chapter to The World According to Humphrey! We absolutely LOVED reading along with you all and hope you all enjoyed it as well. There are plenty more Humphrey books available in the library if you're interested in other...