Charles A. Lindbergh

Class News

Adult and Child Mindfulness Yoga taught by Ms. N!

Lindbergh families, Yoga-Kids-Class-Day-Flyer-1Download Family-Yoga-Flyer-1Download Please click on the links below for more information regarding an adult and kids Mindfulness class that our very own Ms. Nussdorfer is offering through the Dearborn Community...

Change in Weather

Lindbergh families, With the weather warming up and students being outside, please remember to send your students to school with a water bottle. They can refill their water bottles at the water bottle refill stations located in the hallways. Also, please be sure to...

Our One-Book-All-School Read Kick-Off Assembly

Our One-Book-All-School Read Kick-Off Assembly

Lindbergh families, Today we kicked off our one-book all read assembly for The World According To Humphrey! Each eldest sibling per family will be coming home with a book for the family to share as well as a reading calendar. Throughout the month, we'll be sharing a...