Charles A. Lindbergh

Boutique Letter from PTA

Greetings Lindbergh Families! 

Our 48th Annual Lindbergh Holiday Boutique is on deck! For those of you who  may not be familiar, the holiday boutique is a PTA sponsored event the hosts  crafters from all around Michigan to come in and showcase their homemade  arts and products. We generally offer a limited kitchen and our infamous and  biggest bake sale of the year. The event is a huge proceed generator that goes  right back to all our hard-working teachers to use for their students and  classroom needs.  

Our holiday boutique will look a bit different this year while we are in recovery  mode as we are still navigating through the ups and downs of this pandemic, but none the less, this will still be a huge help to our teachers. We need  volunteers galore to make this event a successful one! Our teachers have  already begun to sign up to volunteer. We are asking our Lindbergh parents to look over our volunteer sign up genius and see where you can help.

Personally, I want to thank you all in advance, sincerely! This event could not  come together without all the helping hands we have here at Lindbergh. I truly  appreciate our school village. And spread the word! This craft show, albeit a bit different this year, is a great place to find holiday gifts and such as the season is approaching, and a great way to support local. If you or anyone you know would like to place lawn signs to advertise for our event, please reach out to me at the contact below, as well as for any other questions or concerns you may  have.  

Kind regards,  

Brandy Ahmed 
