Charles A. Lindbergh

Safety First!

Dear Parents,


During this month’s PTA meeting we discussed Habit 1-Be Proactive.  This habit spends some time teaching us about our circle of control as well as our circle of influence.   There are things in our everyday lives that we can control and others that we can only influence.  When we think about our circle of control, these are things we are responsible for and have the ability to change.  One thing that I have found important to highlight today is road safety.  We all play an important role in how we are modeling safety for our students.  Please take some time to read through some ways we can continue to model and ensure our school is a safe environment specifically during arrival and dismissal times.

  • School begins at 8:35 and breakfast at 8:15-please don’t drop off your child before those times as there is no supervision.
  • Drive carefully and park a safe distance from crosswalks (cars are allowed to park 30 ft. from stop signs and 20 ft. from crosswalks).
  • Use the crosswalk at all times and avoid crossing in the middle of the street and/or in between cars.
  • Park in designated parking areas-do not use the staff parking lot and please do not park/block the neighbor’s driveways.
  • We recommend that we try to have our driving families follow a voluntary one way driving around the building: west on Myrtle, north on Waverly and East on Lodge Lane, this will allow traffic to flow much better.

The Dearborn police will be doing random checks on the safety of parent drivers in our community.

Finally, I want to remind everyone that safety is our top priority and although we cannot control the actions of others, we can definitely have an influence on their actions by following the above mentioned safety measures.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding and drive safe.


Ms. Tiba