Lindbergh Families
Last year, our Student Lighthouse team decided as part of their service learning project to implement a schoolwide initiative to collect pop-tabs and donate them to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Ann Arbor. Students across the year we encouraged to bring in and donated pop tabs. Collection Bins were placed in each classroom and during our monthly assemblies, a student from each class would empty their class bin into our school bin. This allowed the students to see how their individual contribution benefited us collectively and had a greater impact on our overall success. Our donated tabs are taken to a local recycling company and Ronald McDonald House receives money for each pound of tabs collected. It takes approximately 1,200 tabs to equal one pound. Through this recycling program, funds are raised to continue providing a “home away from home” for families in need.
Last month, Miss Polidori and Mrs. Baloga drove out to Ann Arbor to deliver the pop tabs. The donated tabs were appreciated and received a little bit of social media recognition.
Way to lead, Lindbergh Flyers!!!
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Ann Arbor Facebook Post