Charles A. Lindbergh

November 2019

November 2019

Greetings everyone!  This is a great year of recognition for Lindbergh Elementary.  Next week, Dr. Maleyko, Ms. Knaus and myself will fly to Washington D.C. to attend the National Blue Ribbon Ceremony.  Lindbergh Elementary and 362 other schools nationwide will be recognized by Betsy Devos for the exceptional work we are doing.  What an honor!  

As you are receiving your mail this month, please look for this months First Bell, our school has front page.  Definitely a highlight and something to share with friends and family.  

None of these accomplishments would be possible if it weren’t for our community.  Our ability to support, collaborate and work tirelessly for our students is exceptional. Through this our students understand the importance of school and community involvement.


Winter is just around the corner.  Our goal is to go outside during recess every chance we get.  The only time we will be staying inside is if the actual temperature or wind-chill is 20 degrees F or lower and/or if it is wet.  As the weather changes it is important that students are dressed appropriately. 

This includes hats, gloves, snow boots, etc… Please remember to label all clothing with your student’s name.  If your child has lost or misplaced something, please check the lost and found lockers located across from the office.   


We hope you are checking the monthly menu to make your lunch plans with your children.  We now have some days that offer three options and students seem to really enjoy the options.


The PTA has some important events coming up that I felt warranted reminders.  First, our Holiday Boutique will be held Saturday, November 9th. It will be another successful event with all of your help!  Second, the Santa Shop will be coming in December.  Please watch for further details. Our next PTA meeting will be held on Nov. 19th  

at 7 PM.  


Student-Led Conferences continue next week. The remaining two conferences are Tuesday, November 12, 2019 and Thursday, November 14, 2019 from 4:30-7:30 PM.  

We want to send a special shout-out and thank you to the parents for all of the amazing food donations during our Student-Led Conference nights.  It truly means a great deal to have your support.  

Our Leadership Work

This year we will be working on aligning our goals to support the bigger picture. Grade level teams have developed WIG’s to support our School Improvement Goals and created action steps to ensure that the goals are met.  Please take a look at the bulletin boards posted in the hallways to find out more. From those, the students have created individual goals in both reading and math. Over the course of the year, teachers and students will be discussing these goals and providing opportunities to share them with you. Feedback is always appreciated and welcomed.  


This year our City Beautiful Representatives are 

Ben Ross and Alora Bazzi. Miss Polidori is the faculty representative.  The All School Breakfast was held and City Beautiful representatives from all schools were able to meet with the mayor and other important officials.


Important dates:

Nov 9- Holiday Boutique

Nov. 12 and 14 – Conference times

                               4:30-7:30 PM

Nov 19- PTA meeting 7pm

Nov. 22 – Popcorn Friday

Nov. 27-29– Thanksgiving Vacation