Charles A. Lindbergh

First Day updates

Lindbergh Families,

We are looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. Here are a few reminders:

  1. Monday, August 26th is a half day for all students. The first bell rings at 8:35 and the tardy bell rings at 8:40. Students are to line up according to their class number (these numbers and class lists are posted on the school doors). K-2 line up at the South entrance and 3-5 line up at the East entrance. Students end the day at 11:45. Teachers will be picking up and dropping off students at these locations. To help ensure an optimal learning environment, we kindly request that you remain outside the building and allow the teacher to transition your child inside and outside. A kind reminder that all doors will be locked at 8:40, please use the main door after that.
  2. Kindergarten and Young 5 parents on Monday you will have the opportunity to walk your child in and enter the classroom to check it out and then from there you will directed to our introductory meeting starting at 9:00 am in the auditorium. Your child will have a half day for the entire first week. Although they are half day, students will still have lunch Tuesday-Thursday that week (it will be earlier than usual). If you pack lunches for your child, please ensure he/she has one on those days. This helps build confidence with routines and procedures and ensure success.
  3. Class lists have been placed on school door. We greatly appreciate your support and understanding with the classes that were developed. A great amount of time and dialogue is spent making sure we are creating classroom populations that ensure success for every student both academically and socially.
  4. Please subscribe to your teachers blog and the school blog if you haven’t already done so. More specific and up-to-date information will be posted regularly.
  5. Safety: Pick-up and Drop-off-It is essential that all families respect the safety of everyone at Lindbergh. We ask that you please adhere to the following expectations to ensure safety for all: always watch for others and be courteous and respectful, students and parents should always use the crosswalks, follow our recommended one way driving pattern around the building: west on Myrtle, north on N. Waverly and east on Lodge Lane, have your child exit curbside, avoid the staff parking lot for pick-up and drop-off.