Charles A. Lindbergh

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Lindbergh families, Please visit the Lost and Found either before or after school for any missing items. Anything left by Friday, December 20th will be donated Thank you!

Congratulations to our Robotics Team!

Congratulations to our Robotics Team!

This weekend, Lindbergh's Red and White Robotics team went up against 20+ schools in the surrounding area at the Royal Riptide Robotics Event in Royal Oak, MI. Lindbergh teams were made up of 3rd-5th graders that have an interest in learning more about LEGO and the...

The Winter Cheer Countdown is Back!

The Winter Cheer Countdown is Back!

Lindbergh families, Please see the Winter Cheer Countdown calendar attached! Please note that participation is not required. We look forward to a fun 6 day countdown before winter break. Also, we have had families reach out asking for staff wishlists. Please CLICK...

Battle Against Hunger Update

Battle Against Hunger Update

Lindbergh flyers We did it!!!🎉🎉 We exceeded our goal!🔥🔥 Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible!!👏👏 Stay tuned to find out when to expect to see T-Rex Tiba!!!

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

Blue Ribbon Schools

Leader In Me logo

    500 N. Waverly St

    Dearborn, MI 48128

    313-827-6300 PH

    313-827-6305 Fax

    Principal: Zainah Tiba

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