Lindbergh families, Our Spring Picture Day is Wednesday, April 2nd. Your student will be coming home with an order form this week. If you’re choosing to fill out an order form, please be sure to fill it out completely and return it to your student’s teacher. Please be...
Yasmine Hicks
2nd Choice Lunch Changes for This Week
Tuesday : Strawberry Yogurt Parfait Wednesday: Veggie Ranch Wrap
NEHS Smencil Sale Begins Next Week!
Lindbergh families, On select days in March, students can help provide aid to those impacted by the California Wildfires by buying a Smencil (scented pencil) duringlunch at school. Not only do you get an awesome pencil, but your donation will go to help others in...
Chatting with the Executive Director of Student Achievement
Lindbergh families, Join us this Thursday, March 6th at 5:00 PM in the Media Center to chat with Executive Board Members to hear the happenings within the district and ask questions. We hope to see you there!
Enrollment for the Summer Discovery Program is Now Open!
Lindbergh families, Enrollment for our Summer Discovery Program is now open. Please CLICK HERE to register your student online. Paper copies are available in the front office as well. Please read below for more information. *The program is only open to...
Reminder! No School Tomorrow for Students
Lindbergh families, This is just a friendly reminder that there is no school for students tomorrow Tuesday, Feb 25th. School will resume on Wednesday, Feb 26th. We'd also like to remind families that school begins promptly at 8:55AM. Students being dropped off after...
The Martians are Planning to Invade Dearborn!!
Lindbergh families, Please see the attached documents if you're interested in racing in the upcoming Martian Marathon in Dearborn. Martian Kids Marathon 2025 info.docxDownload Kids Marathon MilesDownload
Kids Heart Challenge Update
Dear Parents/Guardians, Kids Heart Challenge is back for the 2024-2025 school year and will run from February 3rd through March 7th. This is a fun and educational program from the American Heart Association that teaches kids the importance of heart health, while...
Reminder! STEAM Night is Tomorrow!
Lindbergh families, We hope to see you tomorrow Wednesday, Feb 19th, for our STEAM Night event. Please see flyer for more information. STEAM NIGHT POSTERDownload
Girls Scouts Starting at Lindbergh
Families of 2nd-5th grade girls, Please see attached flyer for information regarding Girls Scouts. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Smith at GSTROOP77523@GMAIL.COM Join Girl Scouts! (1)Download