Charles A. Lindbergh

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Reminder! School Spirit Shirt Order

Reminder! School Spirit Shirt Order

Lindbergh families, To promote school spirit on field trips and events (field day, etc.) the PTA is purchasing shirts for our Lindbergh students (5th graders have a separate order form for their tie-dye shirts). Students will receive a...

Covid Guidelines

Covid Guidelines

RETURN TO SCHOOL GUIDELINES Students with a positive COVID-19 test or displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home until they have had no fever for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medication AND improvement of symptoms. It is recommended that added...

Reminder! Picture Day is Coming!

Lindbergh families, Our Fall Picture Day is Monday, September 16th. Your student should have come home with an order form this week. If you’re choosing to fill out an order form, please be sure to fill it out completely and return it to your student's teacher. Please...

Updated Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact information (in ParentConnect):  Please take a few minutes to log into Parent Connect using your PIN/password. If you do not have a PIN/Password, please click on ‘Need Your Login Information?’ on the left to enter the email address you provided to...

School Calendar Magnets

School Calendar Magnets

Lindbergh families, The oldest student in each household will be coming home this week with a school calendar magnet. The magnets have the 24/25 district calendar printed on them as well as our contact information. Attached is an example of what the magnets look...

Picture Day is Coming!

Lindbergh families, Our Fall picture day is Monday, September 16th. Your student will be coming home with an order form some time this week. If you're choosing to fill out an order form, please be sure to fill it out completely and return it to your students teacher....

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

Blue Ribbon Schools

Leader In Me logo

    500 N. Waverly St

    Dearborn, MI 48128

    313-827-6300 PH

    313-827-6305 Fax

    Principal: Zainah Tiba

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