Charles A. Lindbergh

Weather Changing, Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

Lindbergh families,

As the weather changes it is important that students are dressed appropriately. We recommend sending your child to school with layers as the mornings are becoming cooler and the afternoons tend to warm up. Please be sure to send your child to school with appropriate shoes as well….example: tennis shoes for gym, rain boots, snow boots etc.  Our goal is to go outside during recess every chance that we get unless it is raining outside or temperature/wind chill drops below 20 degrees F.

Early Arrival/Dismissal


Please refrain from dropping your child off at school before breakfast is served. Breakfast is served from 8:35am – 8:50am and no one is available to monitor students before that time. Our first bell rings at 8:55am. If your child is late, please sign them in at the front office. 


We kindly ask that you avoid signing your child out 20 minutes before dismissal. We understand that sometimes this is not possible but the end of the day can be hectic for teachers as they are preparing students for dismissal, distributing homework etc…

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the front office.

Your understanding is greatly appreciated!