Charles A. Lindbergh

Book Checkout, coming soon!!!

Starting next week, students will be able to check out library books from our media center.  Students will log into their Dearborn account, go to the School Library Catalog tab on the Dearborn District Home Page and place a hold on their book selection.  Book requests must be made by 4:00 pm Monday to be ready by Tuesday pick-up.  Once we receive the request, we will pull the book and send a confirmation email letting you know that they are ready to be picked up. Pick-up will be at the front entrance of the school from 12:00 – 1:30 on Tuesdays.  Please do not come to pick up the book until you receive a confirmation email.  

When you are ready to return the book, you may bring it back during the same time as pick-up. The books can be placed in the bin outside, they will be held (quarantined) for six days before being put out for checkout again.

Instructions on how to search for books can be found in the link below.

Have a wonderful day!

Ms. Tiba