Charles A. Lindbergh

December Newsletter

December 2019

We would like to extend the warmest of wishes to you for a safe and peaceful holiday season and a happy and healthy new year.  

This month has been filled with tons of events and celebrations and we enjoyed having you be a part of them. We are grateful for all your support in making these school years for our children so memorable.   


Our goal is to go outside during recess every chance we get.  If the real feel is 20 degrees (F) or above we will be outside.  This is also used to decide if we have indoor line-up that day. The weather is changing and it is important to check the weather in the morning for the day. 

Students should be dressed appropriately for the weather.  They will be allowed to play in the snow if they have the proper attire.  The proper attire to access the snow is snow pants, snow boots, hats, gloves and a warm jacket.  We appreciate your support in reinforcing independence by teaching them to put on their attire by themselves.    



Thank you to everyone that donated to help support a family in need.  Your generosity and willingness to always pay-it-forward has a great impact on shaping the lives of everyone around you and for that we are appreciative.  More information can be found on our PTA Facebook homepage, including a photo of all the gifts.  

Ronald McDonald House

We will be giving to C.S. Mott’s children’s hospital. Since they opened in 1989 they have welcomed over 23,000 families and friends to stay in the Ronald McDonald house in Ann Arbor.  The Ronald McDonald House provides a “home away from home” for families of children experiencing a serious illness or injury required hospitalization in the Ann Arbor area.

The Ronald McDonald House needs pop tabs to turn in and they can recycle them for money.  Please bring your pop tabs to school and put them in your classroom container. We are collecting until the end of May.

Collecting pop tabs is a good way to inspire to recycle, and it is helping ill children and their families.  The tabs usually come from soda cans, soup cans,and any aluminum container.


Dec. 21-Jan. 5 –Winter Holiday Break

Jan. 6 – Welcome back in 2020

Jan 17-Half Day

Jan. 20 – NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day

Jan 21-Half Day